Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church
Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church, are consecrated women belonging to a religious Institute, founded in 1970 by the Rt. Rev. Caesar Asili (RIP), the first Bishop of Lira Diocese. Their Generalate and the Mother House are located in Lira Catholic Diocese, in Northern Uganda. The Institute has 383 members with diverse areas of apostolate. Their ministries include: Medical, Education, Social Communication, Social Action and Catechesis. However, the sisters are open to respond to the signs of the times.
As missionaries, the sisters are also motivated by the slogan of St. Daniel Comboni; “save Africa by Africans,” as many say, let Africans find solution to their problems. Hence, the MSMMC are adding bricks to the building of the kingdom of God through serving in different regions of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan and Italy.
The sisters reach out to the people at the grassroots level through taking care of orphans, the aged, working in hospitals, health centres and or dispensaries. Some of the sisters teach and head health Institutions as Tutors and Principal Tutors and Doctors. While others teach in schools from kindergarten, primary, secondary, vocational, tertiary institutions and universities. Some of the sisters are involved in mass communication where they disseminate information at various levels especially about integral human development. Another area of apostolate is catechesis.
This is also carried out at various levels for instance, reaching out to prepare children for the sacraments, the youth, candidates for marriage and offering counselling services for the needy.