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Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C

Friends, today we are celebrating the second Sunday of ordinary time year C. On this Sunday, we rejoice in God, who never abandoned us to fate. We celebrate today because God allowed his son to come to our aid. We also rejoice because God has blessed and equipped us with different gifts of the Holy Spirit to participate in the ministry of Christ. The readings of today offer us important lessons about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, unity in diversity, transformation through Christ, and the role of Mary. These reflections will help us understand how to apply these teachings in our daily lives and strengthen our faith. Lord, thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the unity they bring. Help us to use our gifts for the good of all. Transform our hearts and guide us to trust in You. May we follow Mary’s example of faith and intercession.

Friends, the first reading of this Sunday is from the “third Isaiah.” Through the prophet Isaiah, God assures us of his willingness to continue to protect and save us his people. Therefore, it is a message of hope and restoration. So, God reminds us today that he has not abandoned us. The tone here is very romantic and simply reminds us of how much God loves us. Brothers and sisters, like a man or woman who vowed to protect his beloved, God promised to protect and save us at all cost; “About Zion, I will not be silent; about Jerusalem, I will not grow weary…until her salvation flames like a torch.” The reason for this strong assurance is simple. We are God’s Bride and Delight. We are his chosen ones. So, Isaiah exalts us today that God is ready to sacrifice anything for our sake and salvation. He fulfilled this by sending us his only son to accomplish this mission.

Friends, in the second reading of today, Paul talks about the Holy Spirit giving different gifts to people. These gifts are meant to help the community and show God’s love. Paul lists several gifts, such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, and healing. Each person receives a gift that can be used to help others. Paul’s message reminds us that everyone has something valuable to contribute. No one has all the gifts, so we need each other. When we use our gifts together, we can do great things for our community and the Church. Beloved friends, we can apply this teaching in our lives by recognizing our gifts and the gifts of others. We should encourage each other to use these gifts for the good of everyone. By working together, we can build a stronger and more loving community.

Friends, though we have different gifts, they all come from the same Spirit. This means that our differences should not divide us but bring us together. This message is important because it shows that diversity is a strength, not a weakness. Each person’s unique gift is necessary for the Church and the family to function well. When we embrace our differences, we can create a more vibrant and effective community. In our daily lives, we can practice unity in diversity by respecting and valuing each other’s contributions. We should celebrate our different talents and work together for a common goal. This will help us grow in love and unity as a community.

Friends, today’s gospel from John centers on the first miracle of Jesus Christ. This miracle shows Jesus’ power and care for others. This miracle was a product of Christ’s generosity. Although it was not yet time for Christ to commence his public ministry, he generously accepted to help out with his gift of miracle. Brothers and sisters, Jesus’ action at Cana also symbolizes how He can transform our lives. Just as He changed water into wine, He can change our hearts and make us new. This story encourages us to trust in Jesus’ ability to help and guide us. We can reflect on this miracle by thinking about areas in our lives that need change. We should ask Jesus to help us grow and improve. By trusting in His power, we can experience positive changes and become better followers of Christ.

Friends, Mary’s role in the wedding at Cana is highlighted in the Gospel reading of today. She notices that the wine has run out and asks Jesus to help. Her faith and care for others are evident in her actions. Mary’s request to Jesus shows her trust in His ability to help. She serves as an example of faith and intercession. Just as she asked Jesus to help at the wedding, we can ask her to intercede for us with her Son.

Friends, the readings of today invite us to have faith and trust in Jesus like Mary. We should follow her example by bringing our needs to Jesus and believing in His power to help. Mary’s care and faith remind us to turn to Jesus in times of need. The only price that Mary demanded from servants was their obedience to the commands of Christ. She knew that her gift of intercession and position as the Mother of Christ was a gift from God. It is for the edification of her people. Therefore, by using her gift of intercession very well, she participated effectively in the ministry of Christ.

Friends, we are called today to emulate the examples of Christ and Mary. They used their gifts for the growth and edification of the people of God. Also, we must constantly ask our lady for intercession as those at the wedding did. Most importantly, we must be ready to take her advice; “Do whatever He tells you to do!” The Lord be with you …. May the almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Have a Blessed Sunday and a Fruitful New Week to You

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Remember we are pilgrims of Hope!

By: Fr. Ben Chola mccj

Aka Omuntu Wa Bantu

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