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Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B

Friends, today we are celebrating the twentieth Sunday of ordinary time year B. For some weeks now, our readings especially, the gospel have continued to tell us that Jesus is the bread of life. This is simply to remind us of the importance of the Holy Eucharist in our Christian life. The Holy Mother Church teaches that; “The Eucharist is the efficacious sign and sublime cause of that communion in the divine life and, that unity of the people of God by which the Church is kept in being” (CCC 1325). Eucharist means thanksgiving. So, today filled with the Holy Spirit, we give thanks to God for this precious gift. Brothers and sisters, the readings of today call us to live with wisdom and understanding. They encourage us to seek true nourishment from Jesus, the Bread of Life, and live in a way that pleases God.

Friends, the first reading of today is a kind of parable. The author imagines Wisdom to be like a royal and beautiful woman who has a beautiful palace with a wonderful dining hall in which she organizes a great feast; she prepares a lot of meat, and good wine, covers the tables with tablecloths and sends out her maidservants to call her guests. Who are to be her guests? Who is supposed to hurry to her palace? The simple and the ignorant who are unhappy because they do not possess the wisdom of life and ruin their existence by behaving foolishly. Some people seem to cause only problems and disasters and learn nothing from experience. Don’t we know many people like these? Don’t we have in our communities people who just spend their time getting drunk, fornicating, provoking others? It is to them that the maidservants bring the invitation to share the banquet. The only condition to be allowed in is that they should be hungry, and poor, and acknowledge their need to be instructed in the ways of life. This feast is not for the rich people. They are satisfied and convinced that they already possess the secret of happiness and life.

Friends, God is Wisdom, invites us to his banquet. However, only the humble can appreciate and take advantage of this invitation. Those who are wise only according to the standard of this world cannot understand this mystery. Brothers and sisters, the reading speaks of Wisdom calling out to the naive and senseless. Wisdom invites us to leave behind our foolish ways and come dine at her table. This image of a banquet shows us that wisdom is not only valuable but also inviting and accessible. Wisdom’s invitation is to a better life. It encourages us to abandon foolishness and embrace understanding. When we choose wisdom, we choose a path that leads to true fulfillment and joy. Friends, accepting Wisdom’s invitation means making better choices. It means seeking knowledge and understanding and applying them in our daily lives. Wisdom leads us to live in a way that pleases God and benefits ourselves and others. The Eucharist is a special banquet where Christ is both the giver and the gift. Also, He is both the priest and the sacrificial lamb.

Friends, in the second reading of today St. Paul invites us to live wisely, understanding God’s will, avoiding drunkenness, expressing joy through spiritual music, and constant thankfulness to God. Brothers and sisters, the reading reminds us to live with wisdom, understanding God’s will for our lives. It urges us to be careful in how we live, making the most of every opportunity. Paul encourages us to always give thanks to God. This thankfulness helps us to live joyfully and gratefully, recognizing God’s many blessings. Friends, today Paul tells us to be careful in how we live, making the most of every opportunity. This means being aware of our actions and their impact on our lives and others. Living wisely also means understanding God’s will. We must seek to know what God wants for us and follow His guidance. This involves avoiding things that can harm us, like drunkenness, and instead being filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul also encourages us to be joyful and thankful. Singing spiritual songs and giving thanks to God helps us stay focused on His goodness. Living wisely includes maintaining a joyful heart and a grateful attitude.

Friends, in the Gospel of today, Jesus offers himself as the living bread from heaven. Those who partake in Him through the Eucharist will receive eternal life, unlike those who ate manna and still died. Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. This promise is a central theme, showing that true life is found in Jesus. The readings highlight the need for spiritual nourishment. Just as our bodies need food, our souls need the sustenance that comes from Christ in the Eucharist.

Friends, in today’s gospel when Christ said; “I am the living bread come down from heaven, anyone who eats this bread will live forever…”, the Jews became furious. The reason is simple. They were full of pride and lacked true wisdom. They could not comprehend what Christ meant. They refused to be humbled, to become wise in the ways of God. Brothers and sisters, at times, some of us act like the Jews of Jesus’ day. This is by assuming that we can analyze and comprehend this great mystery of Faith only with our limited human wisdom. So, like the Jews, some of us still wonder; “How could He give us His body and blood to eat and drink?” Is Christ present in the Eucharist? Friends, only intelligent and thoughtful people see and encounter Christ in the Holy Eucharist. They are the ones who do not doubt that Christ is the living bread of life and is present in the Holy Eucharist. They respond to God’s invitation to have life and real wisdom. They know that it is the will of God that we should have life in its fullness. They know that this fullness of life is in Christ, the living bread of life.

Friends, some of us might have “seemingly good reasons” for not responding positively to the Eucharistic banquet. However, the truth is that no reason is good enough for not responding to God’s invitation to share his banquet and true wisdom. No reason is good enough not to accept the life that Jesus freely offers us through the Eucharist. So, let us humble ourselves and heed this very important call from God. All we need to do is work on those obstacles that prevent us from receiving the body and blood of Christ. If you still doubt, ask God to illuminate your mind so that you will doubt no more. If you have sinned, seek counsel and reconciliation with Christ through the Sacrament of Penitence. Once again today, the psalmist reminds us; “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” The Lord be with you …. May the almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Have a Blessed Sunday and a Fruitful New Month to You

Pray with Us the Online Rosary Every Monday @ 8pm.

By: Fr. Ben Chola mccj

Aka Omuntu Wa Bantu




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