Friends, today we are celebrating the twenty-second Sunday in ordinary time year b. Today we rejoice in the Law of God which gives life. This Law is fulfilled in the Sacrament of love and dwells only in a pure and transformed heart. In the first reading, Moses instructs Israel to strictly follow God’s laws to demonstrate wisdom and receive life and land. And in the second reading St. James, reminds us that all good actions and perfect gifts come from God, who is unchanging. Embrace His word, act on it, and care for those in need to maintain pure faith. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that true defilement comes from within, not from external sources like unwashed hands, criticizing the emphasis on human traditions over divine commands. Today’s readings help us to reflect on the best way to obey it for the sake of our salvation. In this mass let us pray that God may give us the graces we need to help us to obey His laws, act on His word, keep our hearts pure, and above all guide us in showing our faith through our actions.
Friends, our first reading of today reminds us that the law is sacred it has an absolute value and cannot be modified because it is the work of God. Two things must be avoided, to take something from it, shorten it by removing the most difficult of its demands, and add new norms invented by powerful people in our communities. This attitude is wrong since it tries to pass as the law of God which is only the product of human thinking. That is how the law of God is turned into an idol, a very dangerous idol that fosters a lack of respect for the person and freedom. The group of people who make and issue such laws force people to observe them as if they came from heaven.
Brothers and sisters, Moses speaks to the Israelites, urging them to follow God’s laws. He emphasizes that by doing so, they will show wisdom and understanding. This wisdom will set them apart from other nations and bring them closer to God. Friends, God’s laws are not just rules. They are a guide for living a good and holy life. When we follow them, we receive many blessings and experience God’s closeness. We should take Moses’ message to heart. By obeying God’s laws, we show our love and respect for Him. This obedience also brings peace and order to our lives.
Friends, today and for the next five weeks we shall be reading from the letter of St. James the Apostle. In the second reading, James reminds us that all good things come from God. He is unchanging and always gives us what we need. We must embrace His word and act on it. Hearing God’s word is not enough. We must put it into action. If listening does not provoke a change in life, it is useless, it is like looking at one’s face in the mirror and then going away without washing away the dirt we noticed. Friends, the word of God is really like a mirror where we can look at ourselves and judge whether our life conforms or does not conform with the law of God. Friends, true faith is shown by our deeds, especially in caring for those in need. James also teaches that pure religion means helping the vulnerable and keeping ourselves pure. This shows our commitment to God and His teachings. By acting on His word, we live out our faith every day.
My beloved friends, after listening to Jesus for the last five Sundays about the bread of life based on chapter six of the gospel of John, we are now back to the gospel of Mark which we will be reading up to the end of liturgical year b. Brothers and sisters, the gospel of today describes a confrontation between Jesus and some scribes who have come from Jerusalem to discuss one of the remaining issues of Jewish religion; purification before meals. Jesus confronted the Pharisees because of their hypocrisy. They never observed the law that they multiplied for their people because the Pharisees multiplied the Ten Commandments to about six hundred and thirteen legal codes. This is a dangerous way of life that we (especially, priests and religious, the modern-day Pharisees), must be careful of. We must not live a hypocritical life, or even make life difficult for others. Friends, by saying that; “what comes out of a man is what defiles him,” Christ calls us to self-evaluation. The malicious intentions, hatred, pride, the corrupt tendencies we harbor in our hearts are really what define and make us who we are. They are the vices that make us bad. We must evict them before they rock our spiritual boat. They are the real and hidden enemies that we must fight and defeat daily.
Brothers and sisters, the quality of our life is measured by the quality of our hearts and minds. If our mind and heart are infested and sick, our body will be sick a thousand times more, even without one knowing it. So, the most important thing that God needs from us is a pure heart as Christ taught us; “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5, 8). Friends, the best way to be faithful to God’s command is to allow our hearts to be transformed by it. So, rather than pay excessive attention to the letters of the law and physical purity, we must heed Paul’s advice: “Let your hearts be inwardly transformed so that you will know the will of God.” (Rom 12, 2). Pharisees were focused on external rituals, like washing hands, rather than the heart. Jesus explained that true purity comes from within. Our thoughts and actions show our true selves. Evil thoughts and actions come from within and defile us. Jesus teaches that what matters most is our inner purity.
Friends, we should focus on our hearts and minds, not just external practices. By keeping our thoughts and actions pure, we live in a way that honors God. This inner purity is what truly pleases God. God’s will is a law. It must motivate us to love others and avoid evil. It must evoke true repentance and a sincere will to forgive others. It must keep us firm in faith. Above all, it must move us to pursue only what is good, just, noble, and holy. The Lord be with you …. May the almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Have a Blessed Sunday and a Fruitful New Month of September to You
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By: Fr. Ben Chola mccj
Aka Omuntu Wa Bantu